Wire Figures, Part 1: Piranha Skull

Piranha Skull Sculpture Stainless Steel & Brass
Piranha Skull Sculpture Stainless Steel & Brass

Last Spring I took a weekend wire sculpture workshop from Thomas Hill at Scintillant Studio, and almost completed a wire outline of a piranha skull. I posted a picture of the skull and the work in progress here.

Piranha Skull
Piranha Skull

A friend of Tom’s had given him a piranha skull they’d found. The skull was one of many that he uses to teach students how to concentrate on the outlines of figures. The first exercise was to draw the skull as an outline.

Piranha Skull and Pileated Woodpecker Drawings
Piranha Skull and Pileated Woodpecker Drawings

We then made some joins using steel wire fragments to practice the techniques we’d be using to connect the wires in our sculptures.

Stainless Steel Wire Joins & Shapes
Stainless Steel Wire Joins & Shapes

We created our first wire sculpture of the skull we’d chosen and drawn.