Radiators Reworked into Wearable Art

Edith Sommers sporting her radiator parts hat
Edith Sommers sporting her radiator fins hat

Edith Sommers recently shared her use of radiator parts in a lecture at the November meeting of the Metal Arts Association of Silicon Valley.

Radiator parts belt and sash (w/ sterling silver kashi beads) and radiator
Radiator fins belt and sash (w/ sterling silver beads) and radiator

She kindly brought many examples of radiators, fins from radiators, and pieces she has created with radiator fins. Edith thoroughly cleans her donated radiators before creating her wearable radiator art.

Radiators are manufactored with a wide variety of patterned components
Radiator fins are manufactored with a wide variety of patterned components. 

Edith obtained some new fins from a radiator manufacturer once, and the parts have a beautiful wave pattern. Note that unless they are new, radiator parts have lead on the brass and sometimes copper section, and the black on the parts is often an asphalt based paint in addition to copper oxidation. So, wear appropriate safety equipment if you plan to purse radiator art. Here’s a link to a video showing how some radiators are made.

New radiator parts from manufacturer
Closeup of new radiator fins direct from manufacturer