Showing the Glass

Blue Wake recycled blue green bottle glass and coral imprinted recycled fine silver necklace
“Blue Wake” recycled blue green bottle glass and coral imprinted recycled fine silver necklace

The recycled bottle glass pieces at Personal FX Gallery really catch the light when worn, so it’s hard to photograph them and do them justice. Below are some pictures where I tried different methods. In the picture of “Arrow” it’s almost impossible to tell that the brown section is transparent, albeit dark, glass.

Arrow recycled fine silver and recycled brown bottle glass necklace
“Arrow” recycled brown bottle glass and coral imprinted recycled fine silver necklace

A friend gave me a great idea: use a light box below the piece. So,  one of these days soon, I’m going to try that with some modifications to see if I can get consistently good glass shots. Compare the picture below to the one in the last post and you can see how much of a difference back lighting makes. The museum putty used to keep the piece upright casts quite a shadow in the bottom of the piece.

recycled bottle glass and recycled fine silver necklace by Sherry Cordova Jewelry
“Coral Head” Recycled green bottle glass and recycled fine silver necklace by Sherry Cordova Jewelry