“We Are SNAG: 2022”

WE ARE SNAG: Anthology 2022 is online now and includes this piece I created in June of 2022! This online exhibition is not to be missed.

Madgalena Radiolaria on Siphonophorae Necklace
5.2 x 5 x 0.9 cm

Ernst Haeckel’s drawings of microscopic Radiolaria were re-drawn, modified, enlarged, digitized and laser cut. Each rough-cut layer of the brooch/pendant was hand finished, textured, and rejoined with industrially produced stainless steel screws and nuts as a subtle reminder to the wearer of our effect on even the smallest of life forms. The oceanic colored stones are Smithsonite and Aurichalcite are from the land locked Kelly Mine area in New Mexico where an ancestor once worked. The stones are captured between the layers with tension created by the screws and nuts joining the layers.

The Argentium silver necklace represents siphonophorae jelly-like segmented oceanic creatures. D shaped rings on the necklace convert the brooch into a pendant.

The brooch was created with titanium off-cuts from motorsports racing, Smithsonite, Aurichalcite, and stainless steel