Metalwork at Filoli

On a recent trip to Filoli in Woodside California, I took my macro lens to practice framing shots. In addition to dozens and dozens of flower photos I also took some photos of bits of metalwork and other structures.

A corner of the pool
A corner of the pool


Garden gate
Garden gate


Walk in silver safe in one of the kitchen rooms
Walk-in silver safe in one of the kitchen rooms


Fancy brickwork on the garden path
Fancy brickwork on the garden path


Bannisters around the tennis court
Bannisters around the tennis court

And, here are some of the plants:

Staghorn fern near the tennis court
Staghorn fern near the tennis court


Flowers at Filoli Woodside California


flowers in the cutting garden
Flowers in the cutting garden


Many buds


Buds and blooms
Buds and blooms