Whale Shark!

Until last week, the longest I’d ever seen a whale shark is twelve seconds over eight years ago. I know this because that’s exactly how long the video of my first whale shark encounter is.

After the last dive of the trip last week, the boat captain starting yelling down to us as we were heading back to the beach. We looked over the side and saw a whale shark right below the boat. The 20 foot long creature hung out for a while about 15 feet below the surface as we snorkeled above it. Awesome!

You can now access the whale shark video from 2000, and other trip video and slide shows, over on the right hand side of this blog.

New Earrings

I spent most of the day yesterday creating 22 new pairs of earrings using texture molds I’d taken on the Yucatan Peninsula. I especially like the fine silver pieces that look like coral and urchin shells. Here’s a sample of the pieces:

Now it’s time to pack up all the new earrings and head over to The 6th Annual Virgin Artists Show & Sale for today and tomorrow.

A Beach Full of Other People’s Trash

On Monday night I cruised a beach on the Yucatan Peninsula looking for dead coral for making texture molds. In the picture below you’ll see some of the pieces I found. And, *look* at all the sea glass I found. I was so excited I had to limit myself to picking up the less common colors.

Sure, I picked up a few dark brown and Heineken green, but look at all the light green and bluish green pieces! Other people’s trash are now my treasures. The ideas for necklaces and rings and bracelets made with these pieces are swimming in my head. I wish I had more time before this weekend’s show so I could make some of them. I’ll let you know when I do and show you some pictures.