A Classic Recycled Glass Pendant



Digging in my jewelry box for turquoise pieces, I came across this recycled glass and sterling silver pendant.

The pendant is the first piece where I combined the silver directly with the glass. After this piece, I created the process to combine recycled fine silver directly to recycled glass.

The sterling in this piece is connected with like tiny cotter pins through holes I drilled into the glass, seen best in the bottom two pieces of silver in the second photo.

Sheet to Rocks

My recent experience in a chasing and repousse’ cuff bracelet workshop was very enjoyable. Davide Bigazzi is a great instructor; the three of us all learned a lot and two of us walked away with bracelets that were almost done. The other Sherry in the workshop finished hers!

I spent the day after the workshop finishing mine. Sawing, filing, and finishing … here it is:

My inspiration for the bracelet was this photo taken at dusk, years ago, at Poipu Beach, Kauai.

Davide Bigazzi is a great instructor; the three of us students all learned a lot and two of us walked away with bracelets that were almost done. The other Sherry in the workshop finished hers!

If you’re contemplating taking a workshop from Davide, I highly recommend it. Besides all that you’ll learn, it is therapeutic to hammer away on the metal. 🙂