Surf, Sand, and Silversmiths

“Collosphaera Huxleyi, Müller DMO” Earrings
Recycled Sterling Silver
Electrolytically Etched & Hand Fabricated
30 x 30 x 10mm each
Microscopic sea creatures enlarged to swim through life with the wearer

Collosphaera Huxleyi, Müller DMO Trio

Recycled Sterling Silver and Stainless Steel
Electrolytically Etched & Hand Fabricated
52 x 52 x 10 mm
Pendant on neckwire

“Radiolaria Collosphaera Cordova DMO”
Recycled Sterling Silver and Stainless Steel
Electrolytically Etched & Hand Fabricated
52 x 52 x 7mm
Imaginary companion for Haeckel’s Collosphaera Radiolarians

More Volts & Amps

When it was time for more electrolytic etching I decided to try the trickle charger as the source. Well . . . whoever named it was accurate: trickle means trickle. Even the C batteries caused more bubbles in the saltwater when they were hooked up. My friend Pat had a great idea to check the local electronics store for a battery that would suit our need (desire) for speed. Plan B meant a perusal of the battery aisle. I now know why UPS units for computers are so heavy – they have all these dense batteries inside of them.

A guy in the test/measurement department obliged us and broke out some new leads to test whether the chosen UPS battery had a charge. Yes, it did. And, it works very nicely. The good news is that when I drain the battery, I can hook it up to the trickle charger and recharge it. So, the trickle charger will be used indirectly after all.

Pat had a great idea to hide the leads behind a piece of wood to reduce the salty moisture that could deposit on them. The 18 gauge copper wire holding the cathode copper kept being etched away and dropping the etched copper piece into the solution.

After doubling the copper wire, in order to obtain double the time we had before the copper fell into in the bath, I remembered that I’d covered the leads with electrical tape before.

The yellow duct tape masked off the ends and back of one of these bracelet-to-be copper pieces. I kept taping and covered the leads, giving the copper all the time in the solution that I wanted. After three etches, the solution slowed down a bit, which was perfect because the bracelet-to-be pieces will be forged so they need to keep a decent amount of thickness to them.

On the above piece I covered the entire back and edges with rubber cement, which held up well in the saltwater solution.

I was in a rubber cement mood, so all of these textures were the result of applying rubber cement and then scraping it off with a toothpick.

Electrolytic Saltwater Etching of Copper

Results from electrolytic saltwater etching of copper

In my days at a semiconductor capital equipment company I made a lifelong friend. When we first met, she was a “process” engineer who etched the dielectric material on silicon wafers; then she etched conductive materials; then she was a product support engineer, et cetera.

A month ago I showed her the Art Jewelry magazine article on etching copper, nickel silver, brass and other materials in a salt water solution using a D cell battery. As an etcher, she was very interested. She’d never etched at home. Her current company (where they have a chemical that etches metal in only 20 seconds) is on holiday break, so this week she’s free to come out and play.

Play we did – in our nerdy way. The local Radio Shack had only one single D cell battery holder, prompting an etching experiment. I purchased the single D holder, and also holders for a single C and two Cs.

We placed two sets of copper anodes and cathodes in almost identical etch setups at the same time. The main differences between the two was the number of C batteries and the resist designs on the copper.

Loooooook at the difference in the water color after a few minutes. The double C setup skipped the blue-green water phase and headed right to the orange water phase of the process. After five minutes the copper had significantly etched. After an hour, the copper was more than ready to be taken out. The single C battery tub etched much slower; after 2 hours the depth of the etch was still shallower than the 1 hour double C etch.

We etched both sides of the anode and purposely ignored recommendations to duct tape the edges – as you can see on Ben’s piece at the far left.

Next time the process will be tweaked a little. Some rubber cement on the lead to the anode. Alligator clips instead of twisted and wrapped wires. Perhaps try a new type of metal. Duct tape on the edges. And, we’ll measure the voltage and current from the single and double C setups and compare to the recommended single D setup.

By the way, we were shocked not to find a molecular orbital diagram of the process on wikipedia! 😉