An Afternoon @ the Lireille Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry and Art

Today I was lucky enough to be at Lireille Gallery when a very nice couple came to pick up two of my “Kelp” Rings. Below is a picture of the rings being worn for the first time.

Kelp Rings being worn for the first time
“Kelp” Rings being worn for the first time
Sherry Cordova Jewelry in the window of the Lireille Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry and Art, Oakland
Sherry Cordova Jewelry in the window of the Lireille Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry and Art, Oakland

Two of my pieces “Coral Cookie” Necklace and “Coral Pillows with Blue Pearl” Earrings made from recycled fine silver are now in the window of the gallery near the entrance. While taking a picture of the pieces I ended up taking a partial self portrait. Gallery owner Yan Liu can also be seen in the window reflection.

Lirelle Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry and Art, 3980 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, CA
Lirelle Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry and Art, 3980 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, CA

The gallery is located one storefront off the corner of Monte Vista and Piedmont Ave, at 3980 Piedmont Ave, in Oakland.

Piedmont Ave and Monte Vista Ave, Oakland, CA
Piedmont Ave and Monte Vista Ave, Oakland, CA
Sculpture Exhibition and Fundraiser: June 2009
 June 5th – July 19th, 2009 Lireille Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry and Art 3980 Piedmont Ave, Oakaland CA

Fellow art jeweler Fran Grinels and I placed new jewelry in Oakland’s Lireille Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry and Art today, and were fortunate to catch a preview of the upcoming show ” Pioneers in Art: CSU East Bay Sculpture Department Advanced Student Exhibit “. The show opens Friday, June 5th 2009. Enjoy a preview of the show via the mid-install process photos below.

Sculpture by Monica Schmid
Sculpture by Monica Schmid
Pre-show install in process: CSUEB Sculpture Students Show
Pre-show install in process: CSUEB Sculpture Students’ Show
Preview of CSUEB Student Sculpture Exhibit
Preview of CSUEB Student Sculpture Exhibit

Pacific Art League Gallery, Palo Alto, CA

Inside the jewelry case: my art jewelry
Inside the jewelry case at the Pacific Art League Gallery: my art jewelry

Last Saturday I placed thirteen necklaces and three pairs of earrings in the cases just inside the door of the Pacific Art League Gallery at 668 Ramona in Palo Alto, CA.  The gallery is open Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the next few days I’ll post a list of what’s in the gallery on my main website at the gallery page. Take a peek at the Lireille pdf on the same page if you are curious about what the catalog will look like.

Pacific Art League Gallery, 668 Ramona, Palo Alto, CA
Pacific Art League Gallery, 668 Ramona, Palo Alto, CA
corner of Ramona and Forest in Palo Alto, CA
corner of Ramona and Forest in Palo Alto, CA

If you’re in Palo Alto, head to the corner of Ramona and Forest and visit the gallery.

The jewelry case is just inside the door on the left
The jewelry case is just inside the door on the left

The Pacific Art League members have a wide variety of items for sale in this historic building. The gallery is happy to have more jewelry available now. Fran Grinels also is new to the gallery and her work is beside mine in the jewelry case.

Wide variety of artwork for sale
Paintings and sculpture
Paintings, watercolors, drawings, sculpture, and ceramics

Lireille Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry and Art

Today I met with Yan Liu, co-owner of Lireille Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry and Art. If you stop by Lireille Gallery, you can now see seventeen of my necklaces, 30 pairs of earrings, and 20 rings. If you’d like a preview of my art work at Lireille Gallery, I created a catalog of the items in the gallery and posted it on my website on the gallery page.

One of the two new rings I created the night before is shown below. I took my cast sterling bottleneck ring design and applied texture and patina. The liver of sulfur left a very interesting purplish pink color in the grooves after the ring was cleaned in the ultrasonic. The flush set stones are 2mm and 2.5mm white topaz. (sorry for the picture quality – I should have left time for a photo session.) If you’d like a better look – it’s in the Lireille Gallery.

I also took the same Bottleneck design in sterling silver, with the same textured finish, left it unpatinated and flush set 2mm peridot stones.

I like playing with the finishes and patinas. Which reminds me, I promised some more of my patina experiment pics in an earlier post which I’ll get to soon.

Here’s the rainbow over 880 seen on my way to Lireille Gallery.

Nice New Venue

Here’s a look at my booth at The Virgin Artists Show & Sale. So many people have told us what a nice venue this is. Fourteen artists and a couple of tables for the refreshments all fit in here nicely. OK – time to get back there for the noon opening today.



New Earrings

I spent most of the day yesterday creating 22 new pairs of earrings using texture molds I’d taken on the Yucatan Peninsula. I especially like the fine silver pieces that look like coral and urchin shells. Here’s a sample of the pieces:

Now it’s time to pack up all the new earrings and head over to The 6th Annual Virgin Artists Show & Sale for today and tomorrow.

Updated the Website for an Upcoming Show

I’ve been very busy lately updating the website for my upcoming group show with The Virgin Artists. Fellow artist Adea Fong created new buttons for the artists joining the show this year, and she also created a new button for our newest category “Home Decor.” 

The site design we collaborated on 3 years ago has been nicely received and we hope you enjoy checking it out. We’ve freshened up a few of the general information pages with images from our artists that Adea has added text to. It’s really nice to have a graphic artist help us look as professional online as we do in person.

In this 6th year of the art show and sale we’ll have fourteen artists, 3 of whom have never sold their work before. Eight of the artists are returning from last year. All the artists live in the San Francisco Bay Area and create their art by hand themselves. We have artists who create art jewelry, art glass, ceramics, gourds, home décor objects, and fiber arts.

If you’ve enjoyed the show in the past, you’ll notice that we have a new venue and new show days. We’ve listened to your feedback, and are holding the show on Saturday and Sunday December 6th and 7th from noon – 6pm.

Our new show location is
The Institute for the Study of Western Civilization, located at 10060 Bubb Rd, Cupertino, 95014.

Pacific Grove & a weekend at the Jody Royee Gallery in Carmel

The weekend was enjoyable at the Jody Royee Gallery in Carmel, where I showed my jewelery along with fellow art jewelers Fran Grinels and Daria Salus. Lesley Anne Spowart joined us also and her paintings help make the gallery a lovely place.

The Friday night opening of the tour at the Pacific Grove Art Center was lively. Afterwards, Fran and I dropped off artwork for the “Expressions in Metal” show which runs from Oct 24th to Dec 11th at the Pacific Grove Art Center.