Three Pomegranates

I’m pretty pleased with the pomegranates that rose out of the 22 gauge copper sheet brought to my first Chasing and Repousse’ workshop! Davide Biggazzi is an excellent instructor, and yes – he did a small bit of the work on this piece. Nothing like working directly on the piece to show the technique when moving along in the steps of the process…. 

Starting with this outline from Davide, I punched and punched the dots around the tracing paper to transfer the image to the copper sheet.

We worked the back of the piece (repousse’), then switched to the front of the piece to refine the design (chasing). A couple minor touchups were then made on the back and front (by Davide) once the piece had been removed from the pitch bowl.

Nice! -and- Patinas

Emanuela Duca has some very nice pieces of jewelry on her site. Clicking the title of this post will take you to her site.

Back to work! For the upcoming SFBASCG meeting in Los Gatos, I’m preparing a patina demo on brass, copper, and silver. I enjoyed experimenting with different materials last year when I gave a patination demo for the Metal Arts Association of Silicon Valley. 

Results of last years demo are shown below. The tobacco patina was interesting because the coarse and fine tobacco resulted in very different patinas. The friend that went with me to the smoke shop to purchase pipe tobacco for the demo was just asking me about the tobacoo patina the other day. She finds it amusing and interesting. Aren’t we artists odd?!

Pacific Grove & a weekend at the Jody Royee Gallery in Carmel

The weekend was enjoyable at the Jody Royee Gallery in Carmel, where I showed my jewelery along with fellow art jewelers Fran Grinels and Daria Salus. Lesley Anne Spowart joined us also and her paintings help make the gallery a lovely place.

The Friday night opening of the tour at the Pacific Grove Art Center was lively. Afterwards, Fran and I dropped off artwork for the “Expressions in Metal” show which runs from Oct 24th to Dec 11th at the Pacific Grove Art Center.

Monterey County Studio Tour

We’re looking forward to 3 days of early fall and coastal air in Carmel and Pacific Grove.

Friday night’s Gala Reception for the Monterey County Studio Tour is held at the Pacific Grove Art Center.
The tour action heats up on Saturday and Sunday September 27th and 28th from 10am – 5pm at the Jody Royee Gallery in Carmel. Jody has graciously offered the gallery space to myself and fellow art jewelers Fran Grinels and Daria Salus. The walls of the gallery will be decorated with paintings by Lesely Anne Spowart. If you’d like to meet any, or all, of us and enjoy some snacks at the same time head over to 317 Mid Valley Center, in Carmel (5.5 miles from Highway 1 on Carmel Valley Road.)